
When I graduated from gradschool, I wanted to go to academia. Get a postdoc somwehere in the world, do it again (move again), and again (move again), and again (you know the drill), until I would land tenure somewhere (hoepfully). Turns out, I fell inlove, and decided to stay in one place and get a job instead. In hindsight Best. Decision. Ever. But at the time I was scared. **What could be as engaging mentally as Research in Mathematics??** After searching for about 3 months, I was lucky to find an amazing job at a cool startup developing algorithms for wireless power transfer!! (I know, super sick) But in the first few months of looking for a job it was extremely hard to know what the jobs even were, and whichs ones would be cool in the end! There are so many bad ones out there that sound good, as well as others that sounds bad but are actually really fun. This site is my attempt to help young mathematicians find these **mythical cool math jobs**.